4.3.2019 16:00
MY LIFE, PART 66: A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do
The road is open. …
The whole news
MY LIFE, PART 65: Fourth again
Why I love “all or nothing” matches. And why referee Övrebö made me angry. …

MY LIFE, PART 63: Sparta is my fate
Don’t be scared. Even Sparta players are just people. …

MY LIFE, PART 62: Ashen with fear
Aleš Chvalovský is injured, which means I’m starting in a league match. FOR THE FIRST TIME! …

MY LIFE, PART 59: Either you talk to Vrabec, or you go home
Dude, you need to speak up! …

MY LIFE, PART 58: Waking up sleeping princes
This work is for the newbies. You must do it, even if you don’t like it. …